Methods for managing transfers

On this page:


Deposit funds to a user


Withdraw user funds


Confirm a withdrawal


Cancel a withdrawal


Get a history of user transfers


Get a history of completed transfers

Deposit funds to a user

Use this method to deposit funds in any asset to a specified user account.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


userId string

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

assetID string

The asset identifier.

amount number

The amount to be deposited.

comment string

The comments to the transfer.

callbackUrl string

The URL for callbacks.


POST /back-api/backoffice/transfers/deposit HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g

  "userId": "942fe02b-e9b9-6e9e-7c82-85d74f3234d4",
  "assetId": "btc",
  "amount": 1,
  "comment": "1",
  "callbackUrl": ""


id number

The transfer identifier.

asset string

The asset name.

type string

The transfer type: always Deposit.

status string

The transaction status:

  • Pending — the deposit request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

amount string

The amount to be deposited.

fee string

The transaction processing fee.

createdAt string

The date and time when the deposit request was created, with μs precision.

updatedAt string

The date and time when the deposit status has last been updated, with μs precision.

  "id": 1,
  "asset": "btc",
  "type": "Deposit",
  "status": "Pending",
  "amount": "1",
  "fee": "0",
  "createdAt": "2021-04-09T10:50:40.1164856Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-04-09T10:50:40.1164856Z"


Amount number

The amount deposited.

Status string

The transaction status:

  • Pending — the transfer request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

Asset string

The asset name.

Type string

The transfer type: always Deposit.

Id number

The transfer identifier, as provided in a response.

CreatedAt string

The date and time when the deposit request was created, with μs precision.

Fee number

The transaction processing fee.

ErrorDetails null

In case of an error, the error description.

  "Amount": 1.0,
  "Status": "Completed",
  "Asset": "btc",
  "Type": "Deposit",
  "Id": 1,
  "CreatedAt": "2021-04-09T10:50:40.1164856Z",
  "Fee": 0.0,
  "ErrorDetails": null

Withdraw user funds

Use this method to request withdrawal of user funds.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


userId string

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

assetId string

The asset identifier.

amount number

The amount to be withdrawn.

comment string

The comments to the transfer.

callbackUrl string

The URL address for callbacks.


POST /back-api/backoffice/transfers/withdraw HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g

  "userId": "942fe02b-e9b9-6e9e-7c82-85d74f3234d4",
  "assetId": "btc",
  "amount": 1,
  "comment": "1",
  "callbackUrl": ""


id number

The transfer identifier.

asset string

The asset identifier.

type string

The transaction type: always Witdrawal.

status string

The transaction status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the withdrawal request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

  • Canceled — transfer is cancelled, this is a final state

amount string

The amount to be withdrawn.

fee string

The transaction processing fee.

createdAt string

The date and time when the withdrawal request was created, with μs precision.

updatedAt string

The date and time when the withdrawal status has last been updated, with μs precision.

  "id": 2,
  "asset": "btc",
  "type": "Withdrawal",
  "status": "AwaitingConfirmation",
  "amount": "1",
  "fee": "0",
  "createdAt": "2021-04-09T10:55:49.6880533Z",
  "updatedAt": "2021-04-09T10:55:49.6880533Z"


Amount number

The amount withdrawn.

Status string

The transaction status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the withdrawal request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

  • Canceled — transfer is cancelled, this is a final state

Asset string

The asset identifier.

Type string

The transaction type: always Withdrawal.

TransferId number

The transfer identifier.

CreatedAt string

The date and time when the withdrawal request was created, with μs precision.

Fee number

The transaction processing fee.

ErrorDetails null

In case of an error, the error description.

  "Amount": 1.0,
  "Status": "AwaitingConfirmation",
  "Asset": "btc",
  "Type": "Withdrawal",
  "TransferId": 1,
  "CreatedAt": "2021-04-09T11:43:58.2434222",
  "Fee": 0.0,
  "ErrorDetails": null

Confirm a withdrawal

Use this method to confirm a withdrawal of funds from a user’s trading account.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


userId string

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

transferId string

The transfer identifier.

callbackUrl string

The URL address for callbacks.


POST /back-api/backoffice/transfers/withdraw-confirm HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g

  "userId": "ab9ac3d2-879d-02de-a53e-720d78414f0a",
  "transferId": "1",
  "callbackUrl": ""


Amount number

The amount withdrawn.

Status string

The transaction status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the withdrawal request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

  • Canceled — transfer is cancelled, this is a final state

Asset string

The asset identifier.

Type string

The transaction type: always Withdrawal.

TransferId number

The transfer identifier.

CreatedAt string

The date and time when the withdrawal request was created, with μs precision.

Fee number

The transaction processing fee.

ErrorDetails null

In case of an error, the error description.

  "Amount": 0.0,
  "Status": "Completed",
  "Asset": "btc",
  "Type": "Withdrawal",
  "TransferId": 1,
  "CreatedAt": "2021-04-09T11:58:07.433122",
  "Fee": 0.0,
  "ErrorDetails": null

Cancel a withdrawal

Use this method to cancel a pending request to withdraw funds from a user’s trading account.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


userId string

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

transferId string

The transfer identifier.

callbackUrl string

The URL address for callbacks.


POST /back-api/backoffice/transfers/withdraw-cancel HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g

  "userId": "ab9ac3d2-879d-02de-a53e-720d78414f0a",
  "transferId": "1",
  "callbackUrl": ""


Amount number

The amount to be withdrawn.

Status string

The request status:

  • Canceled — transfer cancellation succeeded

  • Failed — transfer cancellation failed

Asset string

The asset identifier.

Type string

The transaction type: always Withdrawal.

TransferId number

The transfer identifier.

CreatedAt string

The date and time when the withdrawal request was created, with μs precision.

Fee number

The transaction processing fee.

ErrorDetails null

In case of an error, the error description.

  "Amount": 0.0,
  "Status": "Canceled",
  "Asset": "btc",
  "Type": "Withdrawal",
  "TransferId": 1,
  "CreatedAt": "2021-04-09T11:58:07.433122",
  "Fee": 0.0,
  "ErrorDetails": null

Get a history of user transfers

Use this method to obtain the history of deposits and withdrawals made on a user trading account.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Query parameters:

userId required

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.


The earliest date and time when transfers must have been made to be included: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.


The maximum number of transfers to return per each paging response: 100 by default; 1 to view only the latest transfer.


GET /back-api/backoffice/transfers/account/
    &startDate=2019-04-04T15%3A27%3A41 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g


id number

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

If a user with the specified ID is missing, a Not Found error is returned.

asset string

The asset identifier.

type string

The transaction type: Deposit or Withdrawal.

status string

The transaction status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the transfer request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

  • Canceled — transfer is cancelled, this is a final state

amount string

The amount of funds deposited or withdrawn.

fee string

The transaction processing fee.

createdAt string

The date and time when the transfer request was created, with μs precision.

updatedAt string

The date and time when the transfer status has last been updated, with μs precision.

    "id": 2,
    "asset": "eth",
    "type": "Withdrawal",
    "status": "Completed",
    "amount": "2.1231",
    "fee": "0",
    "createdAt": "2019-05-29T11:47:25.341822",
    "updatedAt": "2019-05-29T11:47:25.341822"
    "id": 1,
    "asset": "eth",
    "type": "Deposit",
    "status": "Completed",
    "amount": "2.1231",
    "fee": "0",
    "createdAt": "2019-05-29T11:36:52.648028",
    "updatedAt": "2019-05-29T11:36:52.648028"

Get a history of completed transfers

Use this method to obtain a list of transfers (including both the deposit and withdrawal operations) that have already been completed.


Header parameters:

  • Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Query parameters:


The earliest date and time when the transfers must have been made to be included: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.


The latest date and time when the transfers must have been made to be included: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.


The username or email (to return entries matching this string).


The user identifier.


The maximum number of transfer operations to include in each paging response, in the 1—999 range.

Define the cursor parameter to specify a page number.


The transfer status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the transfer request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state


The transaction type: Deposit or Withdrawal.


A zero-based integer value, specifying the page number for a paging response.

For a total number of pages, consult the pageSize value sent in a previous response.


GET /back-api/api/v2/transfers?from=2019-03-05T00:00:00.000Z& HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer akvmn34egjidg0jifgjdg0djg34g


userId string

The user identifier, in the GUID string format.

userName string

The username.

email string

The user email.

userRole string

Obsolete: see the userRoles field instead.

userRoles array

An array of string values, identifying the user roles.

comment string

The comments to the transfer.

id number

The transaction identifier.

asset string

The asset identifier.

transferId string

The transfer identifier.

type string

The transfer type: Deposit or Withdraw.

status string

The transaction status:

  • AwaitingConfirmation — the transfer request is sent and awaits confirmation

  • Completed — transfer processing is complete, this is a final state

  • Failed — transfer processing failed, this is a final state

  • Canceled — transfer is cancelled, this is a final state

amount string

The amount of funds transferred.

fee string

The transaction processing fee.

errorDetails string

In case of an error, the error description.

createdAt string

The date and time when the transfer request was created, with μs precision.

updatedAt string

The date and time when the transfer status has last been updated, with μs precision.

amountInRootAsset string

The transfer amount, in the platform root asset.

feeInRootAsset string

The transaction processing fee, in the platform root asset.

rootAsset string

The root asset set for the exchange.

    "userId": "3ae2608c-499d-a883-95e8-c46fd5d19076",
    "userName": "3ae2608c-499d-a883-95e8-c46fd5d19076",
    "email": "",
    "userRole": "",
    "userRoles": [],
    "comment": "deposit 10.1 for copycat from Dad",
    "id": 10123,
    "asset": "usd",
    "transferId": "10051",
    "type": "Deposit",
    "status": "Completed",
    "amount": "10000",
    "fee": "0",
    "errorDetails": "",
    "createdAt": "2020-05-06T07:30:29.569238",
    "updatedAt": "2020-05-06T07:30:29.569238",
    "amountInRootAsset": "10000",
    "feeInRootAsset": "0",
    "rootAsset": "usd"