Roll Back
On this page, you can locate and revert (roll back) trades executed on the exchange.
You can only revert trades executed by users assigned a Frozen status.
To find a particular trade, specify the day and time period within which it has been executed. In addition, you can specify a currency pair (market) and a user who executed the trade.
The search results are displayed in a list providing information about the trades matching the specified criteria.
General info
The following information is displayed in the trades list:
The email of a user who executed a trade.
- Assets change
The aggregate amount of assets purchased or sold by a user within a specified time period.
Upon clicking the ellipsis button next to an entry displayed in the list, you can see a list of all trades executed by a user within the specified time period.
The following information is provided about each trade:
- Order ID
The order identifier.
- Execution ID
The trade identifier.
- Market ID
The currency pair identifier.
- Order Type
The order type.
- Order Status
The current order status.
- Quote Amt
The amount traded, in a quote asset.
- Base Amt
The amount traded, in a base asset.
- Commission
The commission amount charged for a trade.
- Commission (root asset)
The commission amount charged for a trade, in conversion to the exchange root currency (for example, USD).
- Executed At
The date and time when a trade was executed.
- PnL
The net profit-loss calculated for a trade.
To roll back a trade, enable a corresponding check box displayed next to it and click Revert. As a result, the selected trades change their status to Reverted and the balances on trading accounts opened on corresponding markets are updated to reflect the changes.