Switch between tier and market commissions


This operation can be performed only by users assigned the Admin role.

To specify whether a market features flat commission rates or variable fees based on traded asset volumes, proceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Markets in the Admin Panel main menu.

  2. Locate a required market in the list. You can use the search panel to find a specific market by its name (for example, LTC/BTC).

  3. Select the market in the list and click the gear icon displayed on the right side of a corresponding row.

  4. In the dialog window that is invoked, toggle the Disable Tier Commission flag to specify whether variable tier commissions or flat market fees should apply to this market.

  5. Click Proceed to apply the changes and close the dialog window.


Both the tier and market fees have a lower priority than custom commissions assigned to a user group.

To learn more about the available commission settings, see Managing commissions.