
On this page, you can find a list of assets available on the exchange, along with information about the commissions and PnL for these assets.

You can filter assets by ticker symbol, user email or user ID using the quick search fields.

To display the statistics on assets for the last week, last month or last year, use the buttons located at the top of the page.

To filter the page data, click the funnel button that is displayed at the top of the page.

To create a summary report containing the page data, click the New Report button.


The following summary information is displayed at the top of this page (all values are converted to the exchange root asset, such as USDT):

Total Asset Amount

The total amount of assets available on accounts of all exchange users.

Total Commission

The total amount of commissions charged for all transactions on the exchange.

Total Traded Volume

The total volume traded on the exchange.

Total PnL

The total profit or loss in all assets traded on the exchange.

General information

The following data is provided about each asset:


The asset ticker symbol and icon.

Current Asset Amount

The total amount of assets available on accounts of all exchange users.

Total Asset Commission

The total commission charged for transactions with an asset on the exchange.

Current Amount, USDT

The total amount of assets available on accounts of all exchange users, in conversion to the exchange root asset (such as USDT).

Total Commission, USDT

The total commission charged for transactions with an asset on the exchange, in conversion to the exchange root asset (such as USDT).

Total Traded Volume, USDT

The total traded volume of an asset, in conversion to the exchange root asset (such as USDT).

Realized PnL, USDT

The realized profit or loss derived from the history of actually executed trades in an asset, in conversion to the exchange root asset (such as USDT).

Realized PnL is recalculated every 24 hours, and the displayed metric reflects the PnL value obtained for the previous day.

Unrealized PnL, USDT

The unrealized profit or loss that would result from a hypothetical closure of all positions currently opened in an asset, in conversion to the exchange root asset (such as USDT).

Once a position in an asset is closed, its unrealized PnL becomes zero and the actualized profit or loss in this asset is reflected in its realized PnL.


Upon selecting an asset on this page, you are navigated to the details page containing various information about the trades and transfers made in the selected asset.

At the top of this page, you can find a pane displaying the asset summary.

To filter the page data, click the funnel button that is displayed at the top of each tab.

To create a detailed report containing the page data, click the New Report button on a corresponding tab.

The following tabs are available on this page:


On this tab, you can view the history of trades made in the selected asset.

View details

The following data is provided about each trade:

User Email

The email of a user that placed an order.

Market / Side

The market on which an order was placed, along with the order side (buy or sell).

Order Type / Time In Force

The order type, along with the order’s time-in-force settings.

Base Amount

The order amount, in the base asset.

Quote Amount

The order amount, in the quote asset.

Commission Amount

The total commissions paid for an order.

Execution Price

The order execution price, as an average price of all trades executed while filling the order.

Order Id / Order Status

The order identifier, along with the order status.

Created At / Executed At

The date and time when a request to place an order was sent, along with a date and time when an order was executed, as per the exchange time-zone settings.


On this tab, you can view the history of transfers made in the selected asset.

The data displayed on this tab is identical to the data available on the Transfers page.