Risk Monitor

On this page, you can find aggregate information about all assets traded on the exchange, based on which you can find out whether there are any risks posed to your users assets.


The data displayed on this page is updated every 60 seconds.


The following summary information is displayed at the top of this page (these values are converted to the exchange root currency):

Amount (root asset)

The total volume of assets available on deposit accounts of all exchange users.

Volume (root asset)

The total volume of assets traded on the exchange.

PnL (root asset)

The net profit-loss calculated for all assets traded on the exchange.

General info

The following information is displayed on this page about each asset traded on the exchange:


The asset code (such as BTC for bitcoin).

Asset Amount

The total asset amount available for trade on the exchange.

Amount (root asset)

The total asset amount available on the exchange, in conversion to the exchange root currency (for example, USD).

Volume (root asset)

The currently traded volume of an asset, in conversion to the exchange root currency (for example, USD).

PnL Asset

The net profit-loss calculated for an asset.

PnL (root asset)

The net profit-loss calculated for an asset, in conversion to the exchange root currency (for example, USD).